miércoles, 12 de julio de 2006

Anticipated congratulations

Commissioner President José Manuel Barroso
Prime Minister Tony Blair
Senator William H. Frist
Ambassador Antonio O. Garza
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Governor Jon M. Huntsman
Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel
Governor Janet Napolitano
Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab
High Representative Javier Solana
Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa

By this mean I want to manifest y most energetic protest because of the anticipation in the congratulations to the presidential candidate of the National Action Party (PAN), Felipe Calderón. I would like you to remember that the electoral process in Mexico concludes with the declaration of validity of official results, emitted by the Electoral Tribunal (Trife), reason why any pronouncement that precedes this declaration vulnerates the credibility of our institutions and of the mexican democracy. As a mexican citizen and voter, I respectfully request you to rectify and immediately withdraw such congratulations message, following the example of the general secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which have suggested to wait for the Trife to give its final resolution, which is unquestionable.
I demand this for the sake of Mexico and our incipient democracy.

Christian Ordóñez Bueno
[El Oro, México: López Obrador, 4797; Calderón Hinojosa, 4012; Madrazo Pintado, 2736; Mercado Castro, 218; Campa Cifrián, 182]

(Translation by Rebeca C. Castillo)

1 comentario:

Christian Bueno dijo...

De: presse.cabinet@consilium.europa.eu
Para: christian.ordonhez@gmail.com
Fecha: 18 Jul 2006 15:14:00 +0100
Asunto: Telegrama enviado por el Secretario General/Alto Representante de la UE

Estimado Señor,
Le agradecemos mucho su mail al cual pasamos a responder.
Del tenor y de las palabras del texto del telegrama enviado por el Secretario General/Alto Representante de la UE, Sr. Javier Solana, al Sr. Felipe Calderón no puede deducirse en ningún caso una interferencia en los asuntos internos mexicanos. En efecto, el texto en cuestión se limitaba a tomar nota del cómputo del recuento de votos de las elecciones presidenciales y legislativas hecho público por el Instituto Federal Electoral de México y a transmitir la enhorabuena al Sr. Calderón por los resultados cosechados por su candidatura.
Obviamente, serán las instancias democráticas mexicanas legalmente previstas, en concreto el Tribunal Electoral Federal, las que proclamen el resultado definitivo.

Con un cordial saludo,
Cristina Gallach,
Portavoz del Alto Representante,
Javier Solana


Cristina Gallach's Office
Tel: +32 (0)2 281 51 50
+32 (0)2 281 51 51
Fax: +32 (0)2 281 56 94

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